
Showing posts from August, 2021

Can a bag organizer save your routine?

   Julia Ribeiro    August 20, 2021  9 min read   Organization nowadays is a healthy habit that can be hard to maintain constantly. We can even procrastinate or adjourn it, but our bad disorganization habits always catch up to us, no matter what we do. They might even turn into highly discussed topics in many therapy sessions. A good organization habit can start with making your bed every day or keeping your bag organized with a bag organizer. Suppose you’ve seen or read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. In that case, you might remember that the character Hermione Granger, one of Harry Potter’s best friends, carries a handbag filled with the most unique and random items that everyone might need in desperate times. Despite the reference being about a magical bag that can fit infinite objects inside, sometimes that’s exactly how we feel about our bags and purses.  Everyone knows how it’s like to open your bag and find the world inside. The worst thing is when we reach inside our bags

Reusable Paper Towels: 5 best on Amazon

   Julia    August 19, 2021  9 min read   Look around your kitchen and think about all the little spills and big messes that always happen in this room. Do you usually use paper towels to get rid of them? If the answer is yes, you might want to rethink your habits and consider switching to reusable paper towels instead! You’re probably wondering why. Come along, and we’ll explain it all to you!  Paper towels cause a lot of waste when used all the time. That’s because they are single-use, and you rarely use just one to clean up a mess around the kitchen or even the house. The Environmental Protection Agency asserts that paper and cardboard waste – which includes paper towels – make up the largest percentage of wasted material globally. Plus, we cut down 110.000.000 trees per year just for good that includes paper, toilet paper, and, you guessed it right, paper towels. Being eco-conscious is more than just a way to think, it’s a way to act and live by. We are so used to things that have